Wednesday, December 30, 2009

You Already Know The Best Pregnancy Diet. You Just Need A Reminder

Most new mothers have heard the advice over and over during their pregnancy. But now that the pregnancy is over and you have a new baby, you also have some extra weight that must go. If you don't act on the weight loss advice right away, it's easy to forget. The best pregnancy diet means you have to eat fewer calories than you burn. What makes the best pregnancy diet work is your selection of various options that do that.There are three main ways to lose weight. Eating a healthier diet, getting plenty of exercise and choosing to breast feed are the most effective tools used to lose weight. They will work for you too. They are the best pregnancy diet.

To begin, you gained weight for the health of your developing baby. After you delivered, you found that there was some weight left over. It has to go. You want to return to being that slim attractive thing you were before the baby. That's where you need the best pregnancy diet. Your post-natal advice was to consume a high fiber, high protein diet rich with fruits and veggies. Salads are a vitamin-rich, fiber laden choice but try to avoid the dressings.

Use vinegar and oil instead. Lean meats and other options like skinless chicken and fish are good protein sources. Low fat dairy products like yogurt and others supply protein as well as vitamin D. But the best item is to drink plenty of water. Rehydrating is important during this part of your life now. Water will give you a full feeling and it'll flush the toxins out of your system. Give up those sodas and sweet drinks. They are loaded with calories.

The best pregnancy diet means that you have to burn more calories than you eat. Exercise fits the bill. The object here is to increase your metabolism. You do that by increasing your heart rate and breathing rate. Now, the old advice was to wait for six to eight weeks before exercising. But that's wrong. You shouldn't wait that long unless it's necessary. If you had a normal birth without complications, don't worry. You can start whenever you want.

The best pregnancy diets encourage exercise to increase that metabolic rate. Most new moms begin by pushing the old baby stroller around in the fresh air for a few minutes every day. That's a good start. It exercises their arms, legs and abdominal in a low impact way that's easy to do right after giving birth. After a while, the new mother gets an idea of her physical condition and can add exercise as she sees fit. The best pregnancy diet is really a lifestyle change. Exercise is necessary for a new mother who must care for a family now. There are lots of good exercise plans out there for new mothers. Pick one and get started.

It may come as a surprise that you lose weight when you breast feed. That's why it is an important part of the best pregnancy diets. It's Nature gift of effortless weight loss. When you start to breast feed in your postpartum phase, your body begins a hormonal change resulting in the breakdown of your body fat into nutrients used in your baby's milk. That means a 500 calorie loss every day. If you combine that with diet and exercise, you can expect a loss of a pound every week. Now that's the best pregnancy diet

In conclusion the best pregnancy diet incorporates eating a healthier diet, enough vigorous exercise and breast feeding to achieve your weight loss goals. It must be mentioned that you eat a minimum of 1500 to 1800 calories each day that you breast feed to make sure your baby is adequately nourished. But overall, these three techniques are the most successful choices for the best pregnancy diet.
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