Wednesday, December 30, 2009

You Already Know The Best Pregnancy Diet. You Just Need A Reminder

Most new mothers have heard the advice over and over during their pregnancy. But now that the pregnancy is over and you have a new baby, you also have some extra weight that must go. If you don't act on the weight loss advice right away, it's easy to forget. The best pregnancy diet means you have to eat fewer calories than you burn. What makes the best pregnancy diet work is your selection of various options that do that.There are three main ways to lose weight. Eating a healthier diet, getting plenty of exercise and choosing to breast feed are the most effective tools used to lose weight. They will work for you too. They are the best pregnancy diet.

To begin, you gained weight for the health of your developing baby. After you delivered, you found that there was some weight left over. It has to go. You want to return to being that slim attractive thing you were before the baby. That's where you need the best pregnancy diet. Your post-natal advice was to consume a high fiber, high protein diet rich with fruits and veggies. Salads are a vitamin-rich, fiber laden choice but try to avoid the dressings.

Use vinegar and oil instead. Lean meats and other options like skinless chicken and fish are good protein sources. Low fat dairy products like yogurt and others supply protein as well as vitamin D. But the best item is to drink plenty of water. Rehydrating is important during this part of your life now. Water will give you a full feeling and it'll flush the toxins out of your system. Give up those sodas and sweet drinks. They are loaded with calories.

The best pregnancy diet means that you have to burn more calories than you eat. Exercise fits the bill. The object here is to increase your metabolism. You do that by increasing your heart rate and breathing rate. Now, the old advice was to wait for six to eight weeks before exercising. But that's wrong. You shouldn't wait that long unless it's necessary. If you had a normal birth without complications, don't worry. You can start whenever you want.

The best pregnancy diets encourage exercise to increase that metabolic rate. Most new moms begin by pushing the old baby stroller around in the fresh air for a few minutes every day. That's a good start. It exercises their arms, legs and abdominal in a low impact way that's easy to do right after giving birth. After a while, the new mother gets an idea of her physical condition and can add exercise as she sees fit. The best pregnancy diet is really a lifestyle change. Exercise is necessary for a new mother who must care for a family now. There are lots of good exercise plans out there for new mothers. Pick one and get started.

It may come as a surprise that you lose weight when you breast feed. That's why it is an important part of the best pregnancy diets. It's Nature gift of effortless weight loss. When you start to breast feed in your postpartum phase, your body begins a hormonal change resulting in the breakdown of your body fat into nutrients used in your baby's milk. That means a 500 calorie loss every day. If you combine that with diet and exercise, you can expect a loss of a pound every week. Now that's the best pregnancy diet

In conclusion the best pregnancy diet incorporates eating a healthier diet, enough vigorous exercise and breast feeding to achieve your weight loss goals. It must be mentioned that you eat a minimum of 1500 to 1800 calories each day that you breast feed to make sure your baby is adequately nourished. But overall, these three techniques are the most successful choices for the best pregnancy diet.
Information about the Author:
For more helpful advice about the best pregnancy diet visit us at and be certain to pick up a complimentary copy of "7 Tips to Eliminate the Dreaded Kangaroo Pouch"

Monday, December 28, 2009

Fatigue and Pregnancy Can Be Normal Or It May Be a Sign You Are Nutritionally Depleted

Is it normal to have fatigue during pregnancy? Read on to discover why fatigue and pregnancy go hand in hand and what you can do to make sure you are not nutritionally depleted but have normal fatigue during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is an amazing event in a woman's life. No matter how long or how hard we study pregnancy we will never fully understand why women get fatigue in early pregnancy.

Fatigue and pregnancy go hand in hand caused by the growing baby:
From the moment of conception, the developing fetus needs lots of vitamins and minerals to ensure normal cell and organ growth and to prevent congenital abnormalities. As the developing fetus grows it also grows a living organ called the placenta. The placenta allows vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, oxygen, nutrients, hormones and blood to cross from the mother's blood supply to the developing fetus. This requires a lot of physical energy and if you are nutritionally depleted it can cause fatigue in early pregnancy.

Mothers are care-givers by nature and during pregnancy they unconditionally, and continuously give all their reserve nutrients to their offspring in an attempt to grow a healthy baby. Under normal pregnancy this is be a huge physical drain on the mother's physical energy level and this is why pregnant women are given pre-natal vitamins to try to prevent some of the fatigue in early pregnancy.

A double dose of fatigue during pregnancy caused by an unhealthy nutritional reserve:
Prior pregnancy many men and women are depleted in vitamins and minerals because of our lifestyles and the food we eat. Vitamins and minerals are essential in building healthy cells and organs. Many miscarriages are caused by abnormal eggs and sperms due to the lack of adequate vitamins and minerals in the cells prior to conception.

A body lacking vitamins and minerals is in a depleted state which can cause physical disease, irritability, depression and excess fatigue in early pregnancy.

What to do to minimize pregnancy fatigue:
Pregnant women need more sleep than normal as when they sleep there is less physical stress on the mother's body. Therefore, sleep gives the mother a better chance of adjusting to all the demands of pregnancy, and helps minimize fatigue during pregnancy.

It is very important as soon as you know you are pregnant to take vitamins and minerals, especially folic acid (600-micrograms) as folic acid helps prevent congenital abnormalities. If you are not already supplementing your diet with vitamins and minerals, then purchase some until you have an appointment with your health care provider to help prevent some of your pregnancy fatigue.

Better still, if you are planning to get pregnant, start supplementing your diet with vitamins and minerals to make your body more nutritionally sound, reduce miscarriage risk and reduce the degree of fatigue in early pregnancy.

OK I have spoken a lot about vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and you may be wondering how could you be nutritionally depleted or even be tired if you already supplement. Well the truth is most people supplement with vitamins only and they supplement with a pill delivery system which has a very poor absorption rate. The best way to supplement is a liquid delivery system which has about a 95% absorption rate. Vitamins alone are not good enough, the body needs minerals for optimal health and minerals are necessary to absorb vitamins.

Pregnancy can be an extraordinary experience for a woman. It is far more than growing a baby and dealing with issues like fatigue. Pregnancy has a huge emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetic side to it. The more you understand these aspects, the easier and less symptomatic your pregnancy will be. Learning how to connect with the emotions of your unborn child will allow you to enhance your pregnancy experience and surrender to its normal physiological process of pregnancy fatigue.
Information about the Author:
Hannah Bajor offers more pregnancy support, pregnancy articles and pregnancy videos PLUS a FREE pregnancy support gift by clicking on

Friday, December 25, 2009

Pregnancy Heartburn Remedies That Help Relieve Your Heartburn During Pregnancy Misery

Pregnancy heartburn relief during pregnancy is a common concern many pregnant women have. Read on to see what you what remedies can be used to help relieve heartburn during pregnancy.

What causes pregnancy heartburn?
Heartburn in early pregnancy is a common complaint. The hormone progesterone is released as soon a woman becomes pregnant and can cause many early pregnancy symptoms which include pregnancy heartburn. Progesterone causes relaxation of the cardiac sphincter of the stomach which is the muscle between the stomach and the esophagus (food pipe). Relaxation of this muscle allows for some gastric acid and food to flow backwards and re-enter the esophagus (food pipe). Gastric acid irritates the lining of the esophagus causing a burning sensation in the center of the chest called pregnancy heartburn.

As your baby grows bigger and takes up more room in the abdominal area, the stomach itself is displaced and squashed. The growing uterus can permanently press on the cardiac sphincter of the stomach and allow gastric juices and food to constantly leak back into the esophagus (wind pipe) which may cause severe heartburn during pregnancy.

Heartburn pregnancy remedies that can help alleviate some of your heartburn during pregnancy:
Pregnancy heartburn relief can be achieved by eating yogurt or drinking a glass of milk.

Try a tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm milk can help with pregnancy heartburn.

Eat smaller more frequent meals throughout the day rather than three large meals.

Avoid spicy, greasy, fatty foods, peppers and tomatoes produce extra gastric acid causing pregnancy heartburn.

Avoid foods that relax the cardiac sphincter of the stomach such as alcohol, peppermint, garlic, and chocolate as they can add to pregnancy heartburn.

Sleeping with extra pillows under your head to keep your stomach lower than your esophagus (food pipe) works very well to give you a better start to the day and a better nights sleep and minimize night time pregnancy heartburn.

Avoid eating for at least two hours before going to bed is also a great suggestion to minimize pain associated with night time heartburn during pregnancy.

Do not lie down after eating to prevent the food from the stomach flowing back into your esophagus causing pregnancy heartburn.

Mild over-the-counter antacids such as Mylanta or Tums may prove helpful in relieving heartburn during pregnancy.

If your pregnancy heartburn symptoms are severe or accompanied by headache or swelling (especially if you are later on in pregnancy) consult with your health care provider immediately as you may have pre-eclampsia of pregnancy.

One of the most effective ways to deal with pregnancy heartburn is to try to prevent heartburn developing in the first place. The healthier you are prior pregnancy and the healthier you eat during pregnancy can have a direct correlation to the amount of pregnancy symptoms you have. Supplement with a high quality vitamins, mineral and antioxidants prior and during pregnancy will correct many misalignments within the body, and encourage the stomach to produce the right amount of gastric acid that you body needs for digestion.

Pregnancy can be an extraordinary experience for a woman. It is far more than growing a baby and dealing with issues like heartburn. Pregnancy has a huge emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetic side to it. The more you understand these aspects, the easier and less symptomatic your pregnancy will be. Learning how to connect with the emotions of your unborn child will allow you to enhance your pregnancy experience and surrender to its normal physiological process of pregnancy heartburn.
Information about the Author:
Hannah Bajor offers more pregnancy support, pregnancy articles and pregnancy videos PLUS a FREE pregnancy support gift by clicking on

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

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Babysitters, Special Needs Caregivers, Au Pairs, Home-helpers, Nannies from New Zealand

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"Babysitters, Special Needs Caregivers, Au Pairs, Home-helpers, Nannies"
- Babysitter, babysitting, childminding, Child-Minding & Special Needs Carers listing Directory (view on Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Do Emotions Really Play A Role In Fertility Treatment

We may think the body controls its own processes and solely determines its destiny and how we feel on an ongoing basis. However, this is only partly true. It is in fact the mind (our brain) and the outward thoughts we manufacture, which end up creating the feelings that in turn manifest into concrete results we see in our day to day.

Fertility is no exception--it also is controlled by this very mechanism. Sure, our physical aspects, genetics and environment have a role to play, but when we think about it... The fact is that our beliefs create our thoughts, which reinforce our feelings and emotions, which lead us to make our choices. Sometimes seemingly insignificant choices such as lifestyle choices about what food we will eat, how much exercise we choose to partake in, whether we will use recreational substances or even continue to smoke and binge drink.

The problem is that seemingly insignificant choices made minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day accumulate into years of potential damage in the body, which in susceptible individuals may lead to reproductive damage. In addition to 'physical damage' brought about by lifestyle choices and environmental aspects there is another type, which we often don't perceive as being something we have control over--and this relates to our harboured emotions, fears, traumas, repetitive thought patterns and the like.

What concerns us can grow in our minds to be greatly magnified according to our own existing reality (or perception) and it can indeed have a negative impact on the way our bodies function as a result, even leading to what is known as psychogenic or psychosomatic infertility. Simply put, it means caused by the mind. A lot of attention is currently being drawn to this field of research because it is finally being recognized that our thoughts and emotions can in fact dramatically influence fertility.

The good news is you can heal your body and naturally boost your fertility to create the baby of your dreams. In my practice this is what I help couples struggling with fertility problems do every day, and my patients' babies are proof that my approach works. It's a comprehensive, step by step approach that gets real results.

Here are some ways to emotionally create a more fertile environment for you and your partner:

:: Seek the assistance of practitioner that will take a holistic approach in keeping you accountable to optimizing your health and healing your fertility;
:: Begin taking positive steps to optimize your natural fertility and you will begin thinking differently about yourself and your circumstance;
:: Forgive yourself for whatever you 'had to be persecuted' for in the past--learn how to be kind to yourself, change your self-talk;
:: Resolve your relationship differences with your parents, husband, siblings--understand they did the best they could with what they knew at the time--free yourself for the sake of your life and fertility (it's surprising how many people contribute to their own fertility problems as a result of keeping stuck here;
:: Let go of stress, fear and anxiety;
:: Learn and practice daily meditation;
:: Get a puppy--it will bring a lot of fun and join into your life and will direct your focus away from 'lack';
:: Start thinking of how much you already have to be grateful for;
:: Join a support group--research suggests this improves fertility outcomes;

(c) 2008 Gabriela Rosa and Natural Fertility and Health Solutions P/L. All Rights Reserved.
Information about the Author:
Leading Sydney natural fertility specialist, researcher and author Gabriela Rosa is devoted to helping bring healthy babies into the world. For free fertility advice and your FREE Natural Fertility Booster subscription visit

Saturday, December 19, 2009

How Modern Technology Can Harm Your Fertility

The hallmark of modern technology is convenience and it can come with at a high price. Modern technology emits high levels of electromagnetic radiation, which is a definite hazard to optimum fertility and the developing embryo. The best way to protect your fertility and safeguard the health and wellbeing of you and your prospective family is to avoid devices that harm your body's delicate cells.

In some instances it can actually be impossible to completely avoid radiation but being aware of specific sources of radiation and reducing your exposure to these devices is the best approach. One very simple way of doing this is to ensure that you don't carry your mobile phone close to your body such as in a pocket for example.

Here are some of the sources of radiation, which can harm reproduction you need be aware about:

Mobile phones produce radio frequency (RF) radiation. Most mobile phones transmit and receive RF radiation at frequencies between 825 and 915 megahertz (MHz). These radio waves are emitted by both mobile phone handsets and base stations. RF radiation has the ability to heat human tissue, similar to the way in which microwave ovens heat food. The thermal effects produced by the electromagnetic field of the radio waves cause polar molecules in the body to generate dielectric heat and this heat can cause live tissue to die.

In addition, essential to be aware of children's and developing babies' vulnerability to mobile phone radiation. Some studies have shown that mobile phone radiation can cause damage to the DNA of cells - there was damage to chromosomes, changes to the activity of certain genes, and an increase in the rate of cell division and replication. At a time when cells are rapidly dividing and growing into specialized cells and tissues, we need to realise that any interference in this process may result in the development of birth defects or illnesses. Many studies also link module phone use with decrease in production and quality of a man's sperm.

Cordless phones emit the same type of radiation as mobile phones, however some experts believe they are even more dangerous than mobile phones. This belief is due to the fact that the base stations of cordless phones emit the same type of radiation as a mobile phone station tower, and depending on the model sometimes more than twice the amount of radiation as mobile phone tower. Radiation emissions from the base station of a cordless phone can be as high as six volts per metre - which is twice as strong as those found within 100 metres of mobile phone station towers. When standing two metres away from the base of a cordless phone, you would still receive radiation as high as 2.5 volts per metre-that's 50 times what scientists regard as a safe level.

The best way to avoid exposure to cordless phone radiation is to not have one in your home or office. Use a standard fixed line and location phone instead-this particularly important if you are working to overcome fertility problems and/or miscarriages and want to have the healthiest possible baby. However, if this is not an option, try limiting the amount of time you spend on your cordless phone, and when you are not using the handset, keep it on the base station (at least 5 metres away from where you spend a lot of time in, such as living room, home office, bedroom etc. It is a good idea to move the base station to an area in your home where you do not spend a lot of time - such as the foyer or entry, or your garage.

Wireless technology such as wireless internet, computer networks and hot-spots as well as wireless mice, keyboards and speakers, also operate by using radio frequency non-ionising radiation similar to that used by mobile and cordless phones. Many believe that exposure to these low-level electromagnetic waves radiated from wireless technology devices can be as harmful to health and fertility, causing cellular damage and possibly cancer as the other types of radiation already previously described.

Studies conducted in this area show the non-thermal effects of this type of radiation include DNA damage and inability to self-repair, the opening of the blood-brain barrier (allowing toxins and pathogens to reach the brain), lowered immunity, decreased melatonin levels, cell damage, formation of micronuclei, changes in calcium metabolism affecting communication between cells, changes in brainwave patterns as seen on EEG's, plus effects observed on many different systems of the body. Although there are still no long term studies on the effects of exposure to the radiation emitted by wireless technologies, it is estimated the results will be very similar to those discussed previously, linked to mobile and cordless phone use.

Electric blankets (a blanket with a built-in heating element so the person sleeping can maintain a desired temperature) are very popular around the world. Many people use electric blankets because their use can reduce home heating costs, however, what a price for your health to pay. Electric blankets have been seen to produce electromagnetic radiation over 70,000 times higher than normal acceptable levels. The electromagnetic radiation produced by electric blankets is able to penetrate about 6-7 inches (close to 20cm) into the body. Studies have shown that the use of electric blankets has been linked to an increase in the incidence and development of childhood leukaemia.

The use of electric blankets have also been linked to an increased rate of miscarriage, impaired baby development, increased stress levels, memory problems and possibly other types of cancers. One study showed that due to electromagnetic radiation emitted during operation, women who used electric blankets while pregnant had both, longer pregnancies and a higher miscarriage rate.

Mostly radiation is something we have to learn to live with because it is not going away. However making better choices to reduce your exposure is ideal for optimum fertility and the health of your prospective child.

(c) 2008 Gabriela Rosa and Natural Fertility and Health Solutions P/L. All Rights Reserved.
Information about the Author:
Leading Sydney natural fertility specialist, researcher and author Gabriela Rosa is devoted to helping bring healthy babies into the world. For free fertility advice and your FREE Natural Fertility Booster subscription visit

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How Smoking Harms Your Fertility And Your Chances Of Having The Healthy Baby Of Your Dreams

Everyone knows that smoking is hazardous to health; and that the sooner one quits, the better the body is able to repair and reverse the effects smoking has had on various bodily functions and systems. Most studies and public warnings focus on the adverse effects of smoking on the respiratory and the cardiovascular systems. However, the effects on the male and female reproductive systems are often not as well appreciated despite the real damage it causes.

Studies have established that smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of spontaneous miscarriages, premature births and birth deformities in infants. There is also an established connection between smoking and infertility in both sexes. In women, the chemicals found in cigarettes directly affect the ovaries by decreasing estrogen production, and accelerating death of eggs produced. The toxic compounds in smoke also indirectly affect fertility by causing pelvic inflammatory disease, adhesions, ectopic pregnancies and by accelerating the onset of menopause.

Men who smoke have lower sperm count and motility, with increased abnormalities in sperm shape and function. They are also at a higher risk of impotence, which could result in infertility. Moreover, men who smoke are putting their partners at a higher risk of infertility through passive smoking. Interestingly, the effects and damage caused by passive cigarette smoke exposure is only slightly different to active smoking. Smoke cessation is an integral part of any fertility boosting efforts whether you are aiming for a healthy natural or assisted conception.

The best advice anyone can give you is: If you are a smoker, quit as soon as possible and if your partner smokes be supportive whilst encouraging him or her to quit. The decision to quit is the first of many important, positive steps which can be taken towards creating the healthy baby of your dreams. Here are a few approaches available for someone who wants to quit, and stay smoke free.

:: Choose a replacement habit or activity--There is no such thing as giving up an addiction. The best way is to replace it with a new healthy habit. So right now, consciously choose what you will do instead of smoking whenever you get the urge. You may choose to drink water each time you feel like smoking or writing in your journal or going for a run. Whatever you choose be sure to stick with it and the choice will become easier each time you exercise it.

:: Nicotine patches and gums--There are a wide variety of nicotine products such as patches, gums and oral tablets available. These deliver a small dose of nicotine, so that withdrawal symptoms are minimized. The goal is to taper off use of these products as quickly as possible. Nicotine itself is a fertility toxin so the sooner you can rid yourself of it, the better. Homeopathic remedies such as Lobelia inflata and Nux vomica may also be helpful to reduce cravings.

:: Hypnotherapy--Sessions with a professional or hypnosis recordings can be extremely beneficial and very effective in helping with smoking cessation. The basic principle of hypnosis is promoting positive behavior modification by complete relaxation of mind and body.

:: Emotional Freedom Technique--A fabulous tool to help balance the body's energy system and address emotional attachment to smoking and the beliefs that quitting is hard, or that you will put on weight as a result or whatever other feelings or emotions that keep you attached to this poisonous habit.

:: Allen Carr Smoking Cessation Method--This is a very popular and effective smoking cessation method many of my patients have used in combination with EFT to stop smoking easily and effortlessly. You can too!

:: Acupuncture--This treatment comprises of stimulation of key acupuncture points on the ear, and may be done using needles or cold laser (low level laser beams). This promotes relaxation and the release of endorphins (the natural feel-good hormones) which mimic the effect of nicotine in the brain.

:: Request assistance of family and friends--A strong social support network can help you stay motivated.

:: Maintain a healthy lifestyle--Take up other activities that you are passionate about to keep your mind occupied. Exercise and healthy eating habits will help to rebalance your system allowing your body to heal quicker.

Copyright 2008 Gabriela Rosa and Natural Fertility and Health Solutions P/L. All Rights Reserved.
Information about the Author:
Leading Sydney natural fertility specialist, researcher and author Gabriela Rosa is devoted to helping bring healthy babies into the world. For free fertility advice and your FREE Natural Fertility Booster subscription visit

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy is a nature’s biggest gift to a lady after she is married and wants to conceive. The early symptoms of pregnancy may not be noticed till the egg is attached to the wall of uterus after it is fertilized. The symptoms or pregnancy vary from person to person, some may feel pregnancy symptoms right from the beginning when the egg is fertilized, others may come to know that they are pregnant after they miss their period.

But you may experience a lot of hormonal changes once you are conceived and this is obvious, as a new life is about to nurture and grow in your body, a feeling beyond comparison.

It is not necessary that you may experience all the symptoms listed below, some may experience all of these, others may experience some of these and a few others may not even experience any of these.

1. Missing your period: This is the most noticeable symptom of pregnancy. But you need to undergo certain tests for confirmation of your pregnancy. You may also notice some more symptoms of pregnancy along with a missed monthly cycle.
2. Swelling and Softness of breasts: Your entire body is preparing itself for the new guest to arrive and so does the breast as it starts preparing food for the baby. The breasts become tender and softer than usual. The nipples become darker than before. These symptoms are prominently visible.
3. Tiredness and Weakness: A pregnant lady often feels tired and weak and may feel like going to bed early at night, or may feel like lying down and resting a bit more than usual. If it is a confirmed pregnancy it is advisable for you to take rest at regular intervals, because weakness may affect the baby’s health in the womb.
4. Frequent Urinations: You may now frequently visit the rest room for passing out your urine, as the swollen uterus exerts some kind of pressure on your urinary bladder. The hormone HCG Human Chronic Gonadotropin is produced which is the main cause for frequent urination.
5. Implantation Bleeding: You may notice a slight bleeding after a few days of Fertilization. This is because the embryo starts to attach itself to the wall of the uterus. Once the fertilized egg implants itself to the wall of uterus, you have a confirmed pregnancy.
6. Varied sense of Taste: There is an altered sense of taste felt by a lot of ladies, like some develop a sweet taste, others a metallic tastes because of which they might not stand the taste of some beverages like tea, coffee.
7. Food Cravings: This is the most common symptom of pregnancy. You may crave for certain food like chocolate or an ice-cream at any time of the day, even at mid-night! Some may like to have food which is hot and spicy, others may like sour tastes, well there is a different craving for different women.
8. Sensitivity to smell/aroma: Some females may react extremely to a typical smell, like they may feel like vomiting others may go crazy for certain flavors of aromas. Some may feel fresh at the smell of wet mud during the first rains, others get turned over by smell of hose cleaners, perfumes, smoke etc.
9. Morning Sickness or Nausea: This symptom is experienced during morning hours, after you wake up. You may feel hungry or may feel full so in mornings you feel like vomiting, this is normal. You may sometimes even vomit out your morning tea or coffee, or if you skip this your morning breakfast gives you a sense of nausea due to unsettled stomach.
10. Acidity and constipation: These are two typical symptoms of pregnancy. The hormonal changes slow your digestion and thus there is a difficulty in absorbing essential nutrients and minerals which helps in digestion. This leads to constipation and heartburn as the acidic fluids from your stomach rises to your food pipe which causes heartburn and at times you give out sour burps.
11. Mood Changes and Irritation: There is an emotional change you are going through, some times you may feel low and depressed and sometimes you feel happy and high which may be due to the new responsibility coming your way. These mixed emotions are often felt during pregnancy and these are absolutely normal. Feeling low or depressed beyond a certain limit should be consulted with your gynecologist.
12. Feeling warm: Your body temperature may tend to rise and you may feel warm late in the evenings.
13. Weight Gain and Low Back Pain: This pain in lower back is obvious due to increased weight (your baby is growing), your body posture which changes as the weight of the baby increases due to which you tend to pull your back, hence putting a strain on your back. Further more, the hormonal changes, your joints and ligaments loosen to help you deliver the baby, all these together cause low back pain.
14. A Positive Pregnancy Test: The Pregnancy test scientifically proves your pregnancy. This test is conducted a few days after you have missed your periods. Once the test is positive, you are PREGNANT! Congratulations!!

Now, you need to visit your doctor regularly for regular check-ups. Have a good diet, never miss your supplements and take a good rest as this is the period when you should take care of your body most as you are nurturing the precious Gift of God within your body.
Information about the Author:
Before you freak out believing you might have a Teenage Pregnancy make sure you check the complete list of pregnancy symptoms

Thursday, December 10, 2009

How To Overcome Recurrent Miscarriage--A Case Study PART 1 OF 2

Susan and Peter Smith (names have been changed for privacy reasons)

Susan, BMI 21 (30 y.o, oil painter) came to see me on her own after having suffered her third consecutive miscarriage. She was understandably discouraged and very upset by this as her most recent miscarriage had only happened 5 days prior.

1st Miscarriage 1990--6-7 weeks--no D&C required
2nd Miscarriage 2002--8 weeks, blighted ovum--D&C, conceived again 1 month later.
3rd Miscarriage 2003--9 weeks, blighted ovum--D&C

Susan had regular periods that ranged from 32-35 days, normally would bleed for 5 days and considered her bleeding light, varying from bright to dark blood, with no clots. Ovulation was occurring in most cycles between days 17 and 18. She had been on the oral contraceptive pill from the ages 18-25yrs old and experienced an absence of periods for some time post cessation. Susan usually experience moderate to severe pre-menstrual symptoms such as fluid retention, PMT, fatigue and food cravings (sweets).

Other general symptoms she complained about included: palpitations, sinus congestion, numbness and tingling of extremities, occasional migraines (which had been particularly bad on the pill), skin rashes and hives (particularly following neurofen). In the previous year, she had had two elevated Gamma GT results (GGT--liver enzyme).

Susan had many investigations following her third miscarriage. I asked her to bring in those results with her next time. I also asked her to make an appointment with one of the doctor's at the centre as we would need to do some further investigations for heavy metals and genito-urinary tract infections.

Discussed the need to avoid radiation, electrical appliances in the bedroom, chemicals of any type, especially cleaning products and this included a break from painting for at least 120 days (fortunately she could do this) as well as flying (this would be more difficult for her husband as it was part of his job) and anything else that could be detrimental for general health. I advised her and her husband to avoid alcohol and caffeine completely (they didn't smoke or use recreational drugs so, this was one less thing for them to do!)

Detoxifying, low allergenic (dairy and gluten free) organic diet wherever possible (particularly meats). She was to base her meals on vegetables and good quality protein sources and avoid processed, refined, fermented and sugary foods. Susan also needed to make sure she was drinking plenty of filtered water, at least 2L daily. She was already exercising and sleeping well.

Individually customised supplementation regime for Susan.

Individually customised herbal medicine prescription for Susan.

I asked her to bring her partner along next time and for him to have a sperm analysis through a specialist fertility clinic in the interim. I also asked for her to bring along any results she may have to her next visit. She would also begin charting her cycle.

Susan called me to let me know she had thrush. I dispensed herbs for her to taken internally and do sitzbaths/douches daily, followed by local yoghurt and acidophilous applications.

Susan brought in her husband and all results from previous investigations. She was starting to feel better now, felt unwell in the first 2-3weeks after her first visit. Susan was able to implement all the lifestyle changes I suggested to her in the initial consult. Her temperatures were good, mucus changes were undetectable and she was not ovulating.

:: Normal chromosomal assessment of parents and products of conception post D&C
:: High positive IgA + IgG for Candida.
:: Positive IgM for Cardiolipin antibodies
:: Positive Antinuclear antibodies (ANA)
:: Very high prolactin levels (1886 mIU/L)
:: Decreased haemoglobin
:: Elevated globulins (GGT had gone back to normal) (liver function test)
:: Low B12
:: Low day 21 progesterone
:: Positive Gliadin Antibodies (EIA) (gluten intolerance)
:: High fasting blood mercury levels (later established mercury and lead--heavy metal toxicity)

Peter, BMI 30 (31 y.o. General Manager--Retail) accompanied Susan, he was able to bring his blood results as well as sperm analysis and completed questionnaire.

:: Overweight
:: Stressed
:: Nutritional deficiency symptoms
:: Indigestion
:: Constipation
:: High cholesterol
:: High insulin levels (pre-diabetic state)
:: Elevated liver enzymes
:: TSH low end of the range
:: Sperm analysis surprisingly good, despite some sperm clumping and low levels of sperm antibodies being detected.

They were both to follow the diet. Peter needed to detoxify, exercise, implement some stress management techniques, which were discussed and lose some weight. He was able to decrease the amount of interstate flying every month.

Susan and Peter needed to undertake some further heavy metal diagnostic tests and Susan's integrative medicine doctor already started her on oral chelation therapy to detoxify from heavy metals.

Individualised, high quality, therapeutic 'practitioner only' nutrients including and not limited to a good multi vitamin, fish oils, antioxidants, probiotics and more.

Susan had lots of immune system related issues, and was given another customised herbal formula to address these issues in detail. In addition Susan as also prescribed another hormonal balancing mix focusing on liver health and eradicating high levels of candida from her system based on her blood tests and had had thrush soon after our last visit.

Peter's supplements were also Individualised, high quality, therapeutic 'practitioner only' nutrients focusing on overall metabolic health to optimise fertility including and not limited to vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, magnesium and chromium--these will also help to normalise his weight and blood sugar level issues.

Peter's customised herbal medicines were primarily focused on optimising liver health, prostate and sperm function, general wellbeing, energy levels and decrease stress.

Copyright(c) 2008 Gabriela Rosa and Natural Fertility and Health Solutions P/L.
Information about the Author:
Leading Sydney natural fertility specialist, researcher and author Gabriela Rosa is devoted to helping bring healthy babies into the world. For free fertility advice and your FREE Natural Fertility Booster subscription visit

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

How To Climax Into A Healthy Pregnancy

Did you know working on that orgasm can get you pregnant faster?

You may be trying to conceive, and although some couples report to experience a lull in their sex lives as a result of what can become the "trying to conceive" rollercoaster and/or long standing infertility--it is important to reframe your thoughts around being intimate with your partner.

While the female orgasm is not necessarily required for conception, it does greatly increase the chances of becoming pregnant. Proper arousal causes an increase in female secretions, and reaching climax increases them further; these fluids make it easier for sperm to reach their destination. Scientific studies now show that the muscle contractions which occur during orgasm create a type of suction, pulling fluids (and sperm) closer to the womb. The enjoyable bodily sensations along with the positive emotional effect on the relationship are incentives to keep doing the deed; which is imperative for those wishing to conceive.

It is important whilst trying to get pregnant to try to view intimacy with your partner as a way to reconnect as opposed to another stressful (possibly 'failed attempt'). It is important to aim to still make sex fun! It certainly is a delightful way of strengthening the intimacy and bond with your significant other. It also relaxes mind and body while helping to ease stress. Even the pleasurable conclusion of the experience plays a role in the reproductive aspect of it all. While the sexual response of a man is physically gratifying for him, its role in conception (ejaculation of sperm) is quite obvious. However, the reproductive value of female orgasm has been somewhat neglected whilst being the subject of much debate, in both biological and psychological studies for decades. If in doubt, aim for it.

For women in particular, arousal prior to intercourse can be a determining factor in their level of enjoyment. The arousal stage increases blood circulation to the pelvic region (which increases sensitivity), increases secretions and makes intercourse physically comfortable and pleasurable. Embracing, caressing and kissing are comforting and intimate displays of affection which affect emotions and initiate feelings of arousal. Many couples like to employ more explicit foreplay techniques to heighten arousal further.

Sadly, there is a significant number of women worldwide who experience 'sexual difficulties'; meaning that they have difficulty becoming aroused and/or cannot reach orgasm. This has a profound, negative psychological impact on a woman and often leads to relationship problems as well. Causes of dysfunction can be physical, psychological or both. To help prevent and remedy this issue here are some 3 simple ways to help get you over the edge.

:: Pressure around trying to conceive or long standing infertility
:: Psychological and physical traumas such as sexual assault/abuse
:: Injury to genitalia
:: Illness
:: Hormone imbalances
:: Stress
:: Relationship problems (especially where distrust is evident)
:: Substance abuse
:: Prescription medications (consult with your doctor before making any changes)
:: Menopause

:: Emotional Freedom Technique
:: Meditation
:: Counseling/Therapy for psychological traumas
:: Stress management
:: Relationship counseling (if this is an issue)
:: Discontinuation of recreational drugs/alcohol/tobacco
:: Topical applications and/or lubricants designed to increase sensitivity and comfort

:: Bach Flower Remedies, FES Quintessentials (For emotional healing)
:: Maca
:: Dong Quai
:: Damiana
:: Ginseng
:: Wild Yam
:: Sarsaparilla
:: Ginkgo Biloba
:: Gotu Kola

Self-prescription is not recommended; consult with a competent and qualified naturopath or herbalist before starting on any form of herbal treatment. Many herbs cannot be used during pregnancy or with other medicines. If you have a health condition, are on medication, are pregnant or trying to become pregnant it is imperative to consult a professional when considering herbal remedies. DO NOT use herbs, topical applications or change medication dosages without consulting your health care professional first. Too much of a remedy may harm you, too little will not give you the desired effect and you may miss out on the great benefits of natural treatment.

Copyright (c) 2008 Gabriela Rosa and Natural Fertility and Health Solutions P/L.
Information about the Author:
Leading Sydney natural fertility specialist, researcher and author Gabriela Rosa is devoted to helping bring healthy babies into the world. For free fertility advice and your FREE Natural Fertility Booster subscription visit

Saturday, December 5, 2009

How Stress Can Harm Your Fertility

Stress kills, but it also creates reproductive havoc. These factors have been scientifically proven on both counts and felt by people everywhere. Stress can lead to headaches, stomach ulcers, and weaken our immune defenses. It can cause anxiety, depression, panic attacks and heart attacks--The list goes on... However, did you know just how much it can decrease your chances of conception? Stress does negatively impact male and female fertility.

One of the most noticeable ways stress can wreck havoc on fertility is by dampening the romance factor. It can cause libido in both men and women to plummet. It can make one very tired and lethargic, and as we all know, lovemaking requires a certain amount of energy! Stress also makes people very cranky; and it's difficult for some to bond with their partner or become aroused when they're bombarded by negative emotion and thought. Sometimes stress makes us just want to be left alone!

However, stress also directly impacts the hormones and reproductive organs in both men and women. It increases the production of a chemical called cortisol, which in turn negatively affects sex hormones and the reproductive activity within the body. High levels of cortisol have been associated with infertility problems and weight gain.

Stress in men can create a condition called oxidative stress which results in low sperm count, weakened sperm motility, fragmented DNA within the sperm cells, and abnormal sperm. It can also cause impotence and ejaculation problems. Stress in women can result in a cessation of both ovulation and menstruation. (While menstruation can be unpleasant, it is essential for good female reproductive health.) It can negatively impact the chemical and physical processes of egg maturation and release. Even if an egg is successfully fertilized, stress can cause chemical changes and spasms in the fallopian tubes and uterus to prevent a fertilized egg from implanting. It can also cause miscarriage after successful implantation.

Unfortunately, couples faced with fertility issues often find themselves in an ugly cycle of stress on top of stress! Stress may be causing their infertility, which in turn causes disappointment and more stress, which keeps fertility further hindered. So what to do? How can you break the cycle? It's sometimes easier said than done, but stress must be dealt with if fertility is to be restored. Step one is to identify sources of undue pressure; write it down, make a list if you must. Once you know the sources you'll have a better idea about how to approach them.

Scientific research presented to the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology indicates that certain types of 'talk therapy' can reduce stress and increase chances of conception. Research at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia (USA) found that women who had ceased to ovulate regained fertility after cognitive behavioral therapy. Other research indicates that laughter can reduce stress and increase ones odds of conception. Below is a list of tactics to fight stress:

:: Emotional Freedom Technique--An amazing relaxation tool with benefit--it can be used to 'turn off' (like a switch) practically any negative emotional that is currently afflicting you.

:: Time Management--Schedule your daily activities in a way that you have time to really unwind.
Music--While cleaning house or cooking or just doing nothing, put on some music that heightens your mood, relaxes or soothes you (and your partner).

:: Massage--This is something you and your partner can do for each other. You don't have to be a professional masseuse; just the touch of the hands is soothing, reassuring and a sensuous prelude to lovemaking. However, a trip to a day spa for professional deep tissue massage is well worth it, and some spas offer couples' packages.

:: Yoga--Very effective for relieving stress! If you don't belong to a fitness club, you can rent or buy instructional DVDs.

:: Meditation--Carve out a quiet space in your day to silence mind chatter and do some deep breathing.

:: Talk It Out--If you don't have a trusted friend on board whom you can vent to, it may be worth it to see a counselor. It will allow you to let it all out and perhaps give you a fresh perspective.

:: Tea Time--Eliminate caffeine. Treat yourself to a relaxing herbal tea such as chamomile, hibiscus, lemongrass or linden.

:: Think Positive--If you keep telling yourself "I'll never get pregnant" then you won't! Replace that negative voice in your head with positive imagery. Visualisation has been shown to have deeply effective, physical benefits for fertility.

:: Romantic Getaways--A little romantic getaway with your partner can have such a refreshing, reinvigorating and rejuvenating effect on you, your partner and the relationship. It doesn't have to cost a lot, it can even be in your own city but it can be really fun. Enjoy each other!

Copyright(c) 2008 Gabriela Rosa and Natural Fertility and Health Solutions P/L.
Information about the Author:
Leading Sydney natural fertility specialist, researcher and author Gabriela Rosa is devoted to helping bring healthy babies into the world. For free fertility advice and your FREE Natural Fertility Booster subscription visit

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sensible Weight Loss for Optimum Fertility

A balanced and healthy body is a fertile body. As more and more studies search for answers about infertility and reproduction; scientists are slowly acknowledging that optimum fertility is not just about the reproductive organs and system--it is a complex process involving various body systems and the mind.

Being underweight or overweight will negatively impact fertility and weight issues are a definite cause of infertility. On the overweight front, a recent study suggests that severely obese women are 43% less likely to get pregnant than normal-weight women. So, even women who have regular ovulation and menstrual cycles can have difficulty conceiving when they are overweight.

Scientists do not know exactly why obesity causes infertility. It could be because obesity in women is associated with abnormal sex steroids, and abnormal levels of insulin in the blood. This in turn leads to more problems such as abnormal periods, higher levels of male hormones, and an abnormal thickening of the uterus lining. One or a combination of these issues could result in infertility. Studies also show that healthy sperm density and parameters of obese males is lower than their healthy counterparts.

So what is the ideal weight and how does one get there?

The relation between body fat and BMI differs with age and gender. Women, for example, are more likely to have a higher percent of body fat than men with the same BMI. On average, older people may have more body fat than younger adults with the same BMI.

As an example:
An adult with a BMI of less than 18 is considered to be underweight.
An adult with a BMI between 18 and 25 is considered to be of a normal, healthy weight.
An adult with a BMI of between 25 and 30 is considered to be overweight.
An adult with a BMI of over 30 is considered to be obese.

Although the BMI can be a good guide, when trying to lose weight, keeping track of your body fat percentages is much better than keeping track of total weight because of body fluid variations. Here are the specific guidelines for body fat percentages:

Women: Normal 15-25% | Overweight 25.1-29.9% | Over 30%

Men: Normal 10-20% | Overweight 20.1-24.9 % | Over 25%

Experts suggest that even a weight loss of 5 to 10% can dramatically improve ovulation and chances of pregnancy. The only way to achieve this and stay healthy is avoiding crash diets. Weight loss is really more about a healthy lifestyle, pre-planning and reinforcing new habits than anything else. There is no substitute to eating balanced and nutritious meals and exercising regularly.

:: Foods to include: Lots vegetable, quality protein (fish, chicken, eggs, venison, beef etc).

:: Foods to avoid: Saturated fats (butter, hydrogenated oils, trans-fats), highly processed/junk foods.

:: Exercise: At least 60 minutes, five to seven times a week; program should include a great cardiovascular workout (elliptical, treadmill, swimming, or low-impact aerobics) and weighted exercises for toning.

:: Minimize stress: Take up hobbies that increase physical activity and act as stress busters like yoga, or a favorite sport. This prevents build up of 'stress hormones', which can come in the way of losing weight.

Always consult a medical professional that you trust and who knows you well so you can get the tips and advice that fit you and your individual needs the best. It is not impossible to achieve these goals, and the key is to stay motivated and always remain focused on the ultimate outcome--your optimum fertility and the health of your prospective family depend on it!

Copyright (c) 2008 Gabriela Rosa and Natural Fertility and Health Solutions P/L.
Information about the Author:
Leading Sydney natural fertility specialist, researcher and author Gabriela Rosa is devoted to helping bring healthy babies into the world. For free fertility advice and your FREE Natural Fertility Booster subscription visit

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How To Determine Your Most Fertile Time To Get Pregnant Fast

It astounds me when I see how many women are completely out of touch with their bodies. I suppose this could be a result of conditioning (from what girls were taught about puberty, sexuality and womanhood at a young age), or from the pure distraction of a very hectic or disorderly lifestyle. Regardless of the reasons, women could gain a significant amount of control over their health, fertility and reproductive planning simply by getting in touch with their cycles.

By keeping a calendar handy (or even better a sympto-thermal or fertility/ovulation chart), and marking days of menstruation each month, a woman can easily keep track of her periods, which in turn will help her keep track of ovulation. This can be very helpful for determining fertile days, thus making conception easier to achieve; or contraception easier to manage. Bear in mind that regardless of whether you're looking to get pregnant or prevent pregnancy, your fertility journey (and treatment) and/or birth control (once you've had your babies) will be much more successful if they are customized to your individual needs.

Let me emphasize that every woman is an individual. Textbooks generally state that every 28 days menstruation occurs, and that ovulation occurs on or around the 14th day of a woman's monthly cycle. This does not apply to every person. While there may be people who are on the textbook 28 day schedule like clockwork, there are still many whose monthly rhythms are tuned to a different drum! Some women menstruate every 30 or 35 days like clockwork, because this is what is normal for them. What tends to vary is the number of days that lapse between menstruation and the next expected ovulation; however, it is generally accepted that, for most women, menstruation does generally occur approximately 14 days after ovulation has finally taken place (unless in cases of luteal phase defects which can dramatically impair fertility in women--see the advice of a competent and qualified naturopath to address this, if it's a problem for you).

While this counting and record keeping is important and helpful, used alone it is not foolproof. The most important aspect of determining your fertile days and keeping up with your cycle is paying attention to your bodily functions, particularly in signs changes especially those in vaginal secretions. That said, let us take a look at different physical and psychological aspects of the monthly cycle (note that whilst changes are expected and most women can experience unpleasant symptoms before and during menstruation--symptoms are a sign of imbalance, which should be addressed and not simply thought of as normal just because most women experience them!):

First Week: Menstruation
:: Bleeding ceases, generally followed by a surge in energy levels.
:: If unpleasant symptoms are experiences, generally they subside when menstruation starts eg moods, sleep habits and eating habits become normal once more (if this is happening for you, seek the assistance of a competent and qualified naturopath).
:: Vaginal dryness may be present, or mucous will be scant.

Second Week: As the time of ovulation nears, vaginal mucous may increase, will often become thinner, may appear white or clear. When ovulation occurs, which may be approximately around the 14th day, the vagina may frequently be wet, as the mucus becomes thinner. Sexual arousal and romantic feelings may be heightened, and one may experience breast tenderness, bloating, cramps or moodiness.

Third Week: Moodiness may or may not subside. Vaginal wetness decreases, as this is the post-ovulation phase. Mucus may thicken or decrease.

Fourth Week: Some women experience pre-menstrual symptoms, which may include moodiness, bloating, headaches, cramps, fatigue or lethargy, appetite increase or decrease, sex drive may decrease or increase, sleep disturbances or others. If this is happening for your be sure to seek professional advice because it may be a sign of hormonal imbalances, which can decrease your chances of a healthy conception.

Be mindful when examining vaginal secretions, that the mucus becomes thinner during ovulation so the sperm can swim to the egg easily. This is why paying attention to your fluids is crucial in determining your most fertile days as it is your fertile mucus (egg-white like aka spin or spinnbarkeit), which precedes and heralds the approach of ovulation. If you're serious about charting your fertility, it may be useful to mark the days on which you show symptoms of ovulation as well as the days of your period to help you with conception timing. This will allow you to see more accurately how many days typically lapse between menstruation and ovulation. FertiliyFriend online is a great charting tool, which will teach you lots about your own cycle.

Understanding a woman's own unmistakable signs of fertility is one of the tools I teach each and every single one of my patients because this is the one skill that give you most control over your fertility and conception attempts, but it also enables me to clearly understand (when things do not go to plan) where I need to focus my efforts as a practitioner to ensure my patients get the very results they are after: Their very own happy and healthy baby.

Copyright(c) 2008 Gabriela Rosa and Natural Fertility and Health Solutions P/L.
Information about the Author:
Leading Sydney natural fertility specialist, researcher and author Gabriela Rosa is devoted to helping bring healthy babies into the world. For free fertility advice and your FREE Natural Fertility Booster subscription visit

Sunday, November 29, 2009

How Can Pesticides Impact Fertility?

A healthy, unpolluted and non-toxic environment is essential for optimum fertility. Everything in our macro and micro environments impacts on our health and fertility. Chemicals damage our health. They also have a huge impact on the Earth's delicate ecosystems and, not surprisingly, on the sperm and egg that will eventually become an embryo. That is why it is so important to make positive changes in order to overcome fertility problems and/or simply have the healthiest possible baby.

Everything you are exposed to, or do, for at least 120 days prior to a conception attempt will have huge repercussions on your ability to conceive, but even more importantly will have a dramatic impact on the health of your prospective child. Pesticides, herbicides and many other chemicals are not only toxic to our systems but they also imbalance fertility and hormonal levels in animals and humans. They mimic our own hormones, particularly oestrogen, and end up blocking receptors for other hormones such as testosterone. For women this is a problem because it enhances oestrogen dominance, leading to hormonal 'disproportion' and contributing to conditions such as endometriosis and fibroids. For men it disrupts testosterone balance and therefore healthy sperm production. Finally, it also disrupts embryonic development, particularly in relation to sexual development and reproductive function later in life. You can make a difference and safeguard your health, and the health of your prospective family, by changing your habits, namely dietary, lifestyle and even your cleaning and pest control of course!

From the outset, however, I must be clear that although every positive change is very important, each is but a single piece of the optimum fertility puzzle. Only together can they generate the necessary synergy to create profound and positive change. A whole person approach, taking all the pieces of the puzzle into consideration, is the essential way to restore and optimise natural fertility in men or women.

I have identified 11 key areas making up the platform I named the 11 Pillars of Fertility, which underpins my natural fertility treatment approach. In order to create the result many couples yearn for: The baby of their dream--these key areas require diligent and simultaneous implementation.

One of these important areas addresses the need to avoid toxic exposure to chemicals such as pesticides in order to truly optimise a couple's fertility as well as safeguard the health of a prospective child.

Fertility is not an isolated 'event' it is intrinsically connected with emotional, whole body and even (believe it or not) spiritual health. The body and the spirit are constantly striving towards balance, good health, fertility, energy and happiness. The problem is that due to our hectic lifestyles, health compromises and poor daily choices, we often overlook the basic requirements for incredible health and optimum fertility.We only take care of ourselves when something breaks down rather than making daily choices that maintain our most precious possession to the absolute best of our ability.

Thankfully, given the right circumstances, the human body is capable of seemingly miraculous shifts. It takes sufficient time, energy, nutrients, lifestyle changes and other desirable conditions, but at any time, the choice is yours. You can choose to take the time to listen to your body, to learn from it and work with it.

There are empowering and endless possibilities, even in cases where all hope had previously been lost for couples who take the time and take action! Keep the faith.

Copyright (c) 2008 Gabriela Rosa and Natural Fertility and Health Solutions P/L.
Information about the Author:
Leading Sydney natural fertility specialist, researcher and author Gabriela Rosa is devoted to helping bring healthy babies into the world. For free fertility advice and your FREE Natural Fertility Booster subscription visit

Thursday, November 26, 2009

How Common And Well Established Infertility Treatments Are Unlikely To Improve Fertility

Long established medical interventions to help couples with infertility problems do not seem to improve fertility, according to a study published on BMJ online. These findings challenge current practice in the UK and national guidelines should be reviewed in the light of this evidence, say the authors.

One in seven couples in the UK experience infertility. Unexplained infertility affects a quarter of these couples and common interventions to help them have been used for many years in line with fertility guidelines issued by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE).

A team of researchers led by the University of Aberdeen compared the effectiveness of two specific interventions with expectant management (no treatment).

They recruited 580 women who had experienced unexplained infertility for more than two years from four teaching hospitals and a district general hospital in Scotland. The women were randomised into three groups-one group of women were encouraged to try naturally for a pregnancy and had no medical interventions; one took oral clomiphene citrate (CC) which is believed to correct subtle ovulatory dysfunction; and the other had unstimulated intra-uterine insemination (IUI) of sperm.

Overall, 101 women became pregnant and had a live birth during the course of the study.

The researchers found that women who had no interventions had a live birth rate of 17%, the group taking oral CC had a birth rate of 14%, and the group having unstimulated IUI had a birth rate of 23%.

They point out that to have a meaningful and significant improvement in the live birth rate, the difference in live births between unstimulated IUI and no intervention would have to be much higher than the 6% reported in this trial.

Side effects for women including abdominal pain, bloating, hot flushes, nausea and headaches were highest in women taking oral CC, affecting 10% of women. (GR comment: And this does not take into consideration the potential long term negative effects of the drug).

Interestingly, women on active treatments (CC and IUI) were reassured by the process of treatment while women who had no interventions were less satisfied, despite it being equally effective.

The researchers conclude: "These interventions, which have been in use for many years, are unlikely to be more effective than no treatment. These results challenge current practice, as endorsed by a national guideline in the UK."

In an accompanying editorial, Tarek El-Toukhy and Yacoub Khalaf from the Assisted Conception Unit at Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, say: "As a direct result of the lack of evidence, many couples with unexplained infertility endure (and even request) expensive, potentially hazardous, and often unnecessary treatments."

They call for high quality clinical trials to guide policymakers and to inform patients about the best treatments, and the cost effectiveness and the adverse effects associated with these interventions.

In addition, they suggest that current NICE guidelines, which endorse the use of up to six cycles of IUI without ovarian stimulation in couples with unexplained infertility, be reviewed in the light of current evidence.

Source: BMJ-British Medical Journal

Author's Comments:

Drug therapy for treatment of infertility like clomiphene has been around for a while, yet its efficacy just like other assisted reproductive methods is questionable. And it's no wonder since on their own (i.e. without natural and holistic support) their aim seems to treat individual body parts as opposed to a bigger whole.

I am not in anyway against assisted reproductive technologies, in fact I believe it has its place and sometimes even refer patients who truly cannot fall pregnant any other way. In addition, I support a lot of couples going through IVF with natural methods. However I believe couples in general are equivocally led to believe science is more effective than their own body's wisdom. They lose faith in the fact that their body can heal and change and adapt to create the baby of their dreams--even in cases where all hope had previously been lost.

How can I be so sure? I've seen this happen too many times to doubt it. My patients often experience miracles in the eyes of those who simply don't understand or believe in the unchangeable laws of nature. What they experience are not miracles because nature never deviates from its established laws. Our bodies have immense wisdom, ability and regeneration power--given the right circumstances and the right sort of encouragement--optimum fertility can be restored. It is just a matter of time.

The right amount of time required for optimum results is at least 120 days of what I like to call pristine living--because this is approximately how long it takes for the egg to mature and the sperm to form and if the sex cells are developing in the best possible environment the chances of a healthy conception are at the very least doubled. Pristine living is easier than you think but it does require that you do the absolute best you can day in, day out.

Eating a healthy diet on its own it not enough, you need to avoid all toxins (environmental, dietary and recreational), ensure you dose up on your good quality nutrients, get enough sleep, exercise and relaxation; naturally balance your hormones, emotions and priorities. When you and our partner do these things you automatically put yourselves in the best possible position to ensure your chances of a live birth are increased beyond the 17% in the above mentioned study. Foresight, the Association for Preconceptual Health Care in the UK shows at least 78% increase in the numbers of babies being taken home by "previously infertile" couples who follow such an approach.

Take back your power and start making better choices for yourself and the long term health and wellbeing of your family now. You all deserve it!

Copyright (c) 2008 Gabriela Rosa and Natural Fertility and Health Solutions P/L.
Information about the Author:
Leading Sydney natural fertility specialist, researcher and author Gabriela Rosa is devoted to helping bring healthy babies into the world. For free fertility advice and your FREE Natural Fertility Booster subscription visit

Monday, November 23, 2009

Your Baby Reads! Discover Your Childs Hidden Ability

When your baby is just in your womb you have often given a thought for his future and evidently each parent will think his child to be ideal and most intellectual person in the world! This is true for every parent. You can assist your baby to attain the quality of reading and learning right from birth to 4 or 5 years of age. Yes, this is an amazing notion recently invented that your baby reads!

Well, you as parents are solely responsible to boost this capability of your baby and you can assist him build up this unique ability by several ways and for all this the crucial period is during your baby's infancy, (0-4 years) after which their capability begins to lessen. A baby during his primary years can memorize things very quickly as compared to children who become older. He should be encouraged to read as it facilitates them in many ways which are explained below.
1. Children who learn to read early have sharper brains and can grasp things effortlessly in future.
2. They become concentrated as their mind is much organized than other children who began reading late. Due to this skill he is ahead of others, thus he is ahead in education and is in a position to top others.
3. Reading naturally builds up their confidence and the children who are confident and with a great self-respect forever create a positive impact on their surroundings, school and teachers.
4. Early readers are likely to read more as they develop the habit of reading right from childhood. Because of this talent they know more and thus recognize better.
5. Toddlers who develop the practice of reading surmount a lot of reading problems and they like their schools more than the children who can't read correctly

But keep in mind all these benefits your child can't attain it solely by himself, you are the main source behind him to help him acquire these qualities and become a confident human being in future. All you should do is only put in a little bit of efforts. Firstly, you must speak to him with the body language that he recognizes what precisely you are trying to communicate to him. Then notice on what you talk and the way you talk to him. Your speech should be lucid and must create a positive atmosphere and your tone should be so gracious that it builds an impression that no one else in this world is able to build. What you speak must be appealing so that your child enjoys your company and reacts promptly. Once your baby is comfortable with you, start to read with him, show him wonderful books that are not only motivating but informative too. There are a vast number of books with interesting poems, rhymes, lullaby's, pictures and stories that your child can effortlessly understand and will build the habit of reading. You just need to point on a few important things and emphasize a few interesting details that draw his concentration. This method of inventive reading will boost his self-assurance and increase his IQ level, he tends to become more inquiring and questioning to know more about the things occurring around him and the world.

Helping your baby read is a two way gain, your baby gets closer to you as you give him a lot of valuable time and the other is you come to know your baby better, his likes, reluctance, his hidden capability and of course his skill to concentrate and grasp things. Hence, helping your baby read will finally amaze you when you discover the truth that "Your Baby Reads"!
Information about the Author:
Discover the hidden potential in your baby, yes! he can read. Teaching your baby to read is fun! Find out more at and you can tell the world that my baby can read too!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

How To Be Smart When Buying Stretch Mark Creams

Have you ever used a stretch mark cream to get rid of your stretch mark? Did it work? There are many stretch mark creams available but not all are value for money. However, it is the easiest method to fight stretch marks because all you have to do is drive to the store to buy one. Which one to buy is the question. The sure way to find out if a stretch mark cream will work for you is to try it out yourself.

If you refer to other mothers for a recommendation, I'm sure you'll have quite a list. It can get quite confusing too when one product draws contradicting testimonies. One person may say that the cream is the best while another may render it useless. One thing you need to know is that some stretch marks creams do help to remove stretch marks but not permanently. If you use it for several weeks, the marks may diminish. So, when out shopping, how will you know if a certain stretch mark cream will really live up to it's promises? Unfortunately, there is no way to know for sure beforehand.

One factor that effects the performance of a stretch mark cream is the level of skin damaged already incurred. If the skin is badly damaged, the primary compounds of the cream can't penetrate into the skin. If this is your condition, tummy tuck is the only way to remove stretch marks.

Those streaky lines may be unsightly but they certainly are not dangerous to your health. It will not cause any sickness or health problem. However, it may affect you mentally and emotionally as it effects your physical appearance. It can make you feel less worthy and shake your confidence. Thus, many skin care companies are taking advantage of these emotional problems by marketing their creams as miracle cures for stretch marks.

I hate to say it but you cannot reverse the process of developed stretch marks. Using the cream, you can only make the marks less visible and less noticeable. It is unlikely that you can make stretch marks disappear like magic.

The thing you need to do when looking for a good stretch mark cream is to search for one that can reinstate the lost natural oils of your skin. If it can do this, the chances of a favorable outcome is high. Vitamin A and vitamin E are essential ingredients in a stretch mark cream. You'll also need to check if the cream has a functioning delivery mechanism such as emu oil to give it the ability to permeate deeply beneath the skin. No point having wonderful ingredients if they can't reach the part of your skin that needs it most.

Among the frequently used creams for pregnant women are cocoa butter and shea butter. Unfortunately, not everybody can endure the distinctive odor of cocoa butter. If you are one of them, don't despair as there are other natural creams that you can try. Doing a little research on the products before you make a purchase will give you a better chance of getting the right one. Don't get caught up with all the advertising they throw in your face. Be smart by scanning the product's ingredients. Make sure you don't buy any creams with steroids such as hydrocortisone.
Information about the Author:
For a stretch mark cream to work, it must be able to improve your skin health. Trilastin SR is highly effective because it stimulates the production of collagen. Scarred tissue are replaced with new cells. Get all the details at

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Are You Using The Best Pregnancy Diet? Don't Make These Mistakes

Do you need to get rid of that leftover flab from your pregnancy? Do you want to be that slim, attractive girl you were before the baby? Are you struggling to lose but can't get the hang of it? You may be making some common mistakes. The best pregnancy diet consists of three main elements.

Eating healthier, exercising to increase your metabolic rate and breastfeeding your baby are the three most successful techniques ever used in the quest to get rid of baby weight. They will work for you if you are willing to commit to the right way to lose weight.

To begin, many new mothers make the mistake of eating the same things they did before giving birth. Such a life-changing event requires you to re-evaluate your choice of foods. The best pregnancy diet will emphasize the use of foods with fewer calories. Postnatal advice is to eat a high fiber, high protein diet loaded with fruits and veggies.

That means salads and fresh fruit and anything that has lots of fiber. Many cereal grains have fiber. Lean meats, fish and skinless chicken help with protein. Low fat dairy products like yogurt have protein and vitamin D. The best pregnancy diet recognizes that giving up those sodas and other sweet drinks will help cut down calorie intake. This common mistake slows the weight loss progress of many new moms. Drink water instead. It gives you a nice full feeling and it flushes the toxins out of your system and it will rehydrate you.

Another common mistake is the belief that you must wait for six to eight weeks before exercising. That just ain't so. The best pregnancy diet means you must increase your metabolism as soon as you can by exercising. If you had a normal vaginal birth with no real complications, then you can start whenever you want. It might be best to wait a day or two, then begin. The object here is to increase your metabolic rate. That will happen when your heart rate and breathing increase.

Exercise fits the bill. Most new moms begin with pushing that baby stroller for a few minutes every day. They may not know it but they are exercising their arms, legs and abdominal muscles when they push it. After a while, they can tell when they are ready to add more exercise.

The best pregnancy diets have another option. Some lucky new moms join a health club. Not only do they have special programs for new moms, but they usually have free day care for the babies while mom works out in the gym. That hot tub doesn't make you suffer much either.

Another mistake new mothers make is not understanding that beginning to breastfeed will cause an immediate loss of weight. That's why it is included with the best pregnancy diets. When you start, during the postpartum phase, your body begins a hormonal change that breaks down your body fat into nutrients used for your baby's milk.

A daily 500 calorie loss will result. Combine that loss with diet and exercise and you will lose at least a pound every week. The best pregnancy diets have used this knowledge to educate new moms for a while now.

In conclusion, the best pregnancy diets always use the three most successful techniques ever discovered. Eating a healthier diet, doing lots of strenuous exercise and breastfeeding are very effective when used together.

It should be mentioned that when you are breastfeeding, you must eat a minimum of 1500 to 1800 calories per day to make sure your baby is adequately nourished. If you use the best pregnancy diet, you will be one of the successful ones. You can do it.
Information about the Author:
Of course this is just a few tips on the best pregnancy diet. Many people ask us how they can lose that baby belly and we help many by sharing what worked for us. More questions?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Is The Best Pregnancy Diet Really A Myth?

Because a new mother tries to lose weight and struggles, she has a tendency to believe that the things she was told are not true. She is simply misinformed about how to lose it. The best pregnancy diets have three main elements in their design.

Eating a much healthier diet, doing enough exercise to increase metabolic rate and making the choice to breastfeed are the three most effective techniques used to get rid of that unwanted weight. If she uses them properly, she will experience a definite and timely weight loss. The best pregnancy diets have used these methods since the dawn of mankind. They will work for you too.

At first, you were told to gain weight for your baby. Then, when you delivered, you noticed that there was weight left over that had to be removed. The best pregnancy diets will do that for you, but you must be committed to making smarter choices with foods. Your postnatal advice was to eat a high fiber, high protein diet rich with fruits and vegetables.

The best pregnancy diet will recommend lean meats, chicken without skin and fish to supply protein. There are many sources of protein. You can find out what their caloric content is by reading the food value labels on the product packaging. Low fat dairy products like yogurt supply protein and vitamin D. But the most important advice is to give up drinking sweet drinks and sodas. Drink plain water instead. It gives you a full feeling and it flushes the toxins out of your body while rehydrating you. The best pregnancy diets recommend it highly.

The old wives tale of waiting six to eight weeks before exercise is a common mistake. The best pregnancy diets tell you to get started right away. If you had a normal birth without complications, then you can start exercising whenever you want. It would be best to wait for a day or two, then get going. The object of exercising as part of the best pregnancy diet is to raise your metabolic rate.

Most new moms start by pushing a baby carriage or stroller for a few minutes every day. This is an excellent low impact exercise that is easy to do in the beginning. It exercises your arms, legs and abdominals. After only a short while, you'll know what condition you're in and can add exercise accordingly. There are many good exercise plans for new mothers out there. Pick one and get going.

The best pregnancy diet will include the choice of breastfeeding because it is a very effective tool for weight loss. It may surprise you to learn that breastfeeding will cause a 500 calorie loss rate every day. When you start during the postpartum phase, your body starts breaking down body fat into nutrients used for baby's milk.

This hormonal change should be combined with diet and exercise. When you do, you can expect a weight loss of at least a pound every week. That's why the best pregnancy diets recommend it.

To wrap things up, the best pregnancy diets use eating a healthier diet, getting enough vigorous exercise and breastfeeding to achieve effective weight loss goals. It must be said here that if you are breastfeeding, you should eat a minimum of 1500 to 1800 calories every day for your baby's nutrition. All in all, the best pregnancy diets can be trusted to do what they say, to get rid of that extra weight. You can do it.
Information about the Author:
Of course this is just a few tips on the best pregnancy diet. Many people ask us how they can lose that baby belly and we help many by sharing what worked for us. More questions?